Sunday, November 22, 2015

Political Test Results and Analysis

I have always thought that I was a conservative person. When I considered certain controversial topics I usually took the softer side. This was when I was younger and did not fully understand political topics. Even now that I am older, I would take the liberal side unknowingly and considered myself conservative. When I took the test, I discovered I lean toward left libertarian. I think the main reason why I considered myself conservative was my lack of understanding of what conservative and liberal actually meant. When I think about the answers I gave about many controversial topics, I realized I was actually more liberal. On the two other test I got a more moderate or centrist result while still leaning left libertarian meaning I feel moderate on many topics. I feel this is very accurate. I don't usually have a strong opinion about anything. When I took one of the test, I usually clicked the other stances button to find a less extreme answer to the questions. I’m not sure what I expected to come out of the test; I wasn’t really sure about political parties prior to this project. I had always heard about Democrats and Republicans on TV especially during presidential elections. I never understood the terms or why they were important. I remember when I was younger, I used to think Democrat and Republican was something that was passed down through culture such as religion. However, after taking these test, I understand a little more about political parties and why they are important. The candidate I aligned with was Hillary Clinton. I didn’t know much about her until she almost ran for president in 2008. After that, I thought it would be really cool if there was a woman president. For some reason, I thought if I had been old enough then I would have voted for her. Now knowing what I know about political parties, I might be a little more inclined to vote in the upcoming election.

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