Sunday, November 22, 2015

An Overview of The Constitution Party

The Constitution party was created in order to remind those in powers the constitutional limits on their power. The government has strayed away from the constitution’s original ideas of limited government. The Constitution party recognizes that there is an increasing disappointment in the Republican and Democratic parties and that a third party candidate could be elected president in the next 10 to 12 years. In 1992, the Constitution Party was created under the name U.S. Taxpayers Party and secured ballot positions in 21 states. The U.S. Taxpayers Party was recognized by the Federal Election Commission in 1996 and was on 39 ballots. In 2000, the U.S. Taxpayers Party changed their name to the Constitution Party to better reflect their goal of returning to the original ideas of the Constitution. In 2004, the Constitution Party achieved 41 ballots. In 2008 the party did not match the 2004 ballot turnout but increased vote tally by 40 percent which was better than any of the other third parties. 
The Constitution Party runs on a set of rules called the Seven Principles. One of the principles is the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. They believe that every human being, starting from fertilization, has a god given right to life. They also believe in Religious Freedom and Personal Liberty. They want the churches to remain tax free and keep the government out of the personal lives of citizens. They strongly believe in the idea of family as one wife, one husband, and their children as divinely instituted. They deem an effort of the government to take away personal private property as a direct violation of the Constitution. They also believe in interpreting the Constitution according to the original intent of the Founding Fathers. They believe strongly in states’ rights and citizens’ rights as stated in the Constitution. Lastly, the Constitution party believes that the United States should remove itself from all foreign affairs, stay isolated, and concentrate on the defense of our own borders.
Works Cited
"History of the Constitution Party." The Constitution Party. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2015. <>.

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