The Democratic party was formed in 1792 when Thomas Jefferson adopted the party to emphasize anti monarchical views. It was previously known as the Republican party and then later the Democratic-Republican party, but was officially called the Democratic party in in 1844. From 1828 to 1856, the Democratic Party had a hold on the presidential office, winning all but two elections. In 1896, they lost the office because of split views on the free silver and populist programs of William Jennings Bryan. From 1896 to 1932, the Democratic Party only held office during Wilson’s terms. In 1932, the democrats took office with FDR and became the most dominant political party in America. In 1960 with the election of JFK, the democrats lost their traditional southern supporters with their support of civil rights. From 1972 to 1988, the democrats lost all but one election. In 1992, Bill Clinton reclaimed office for the democrats. In 2008, democrats were in office once again with the election of Barack Obama.
The Democratic Party favors a greater government involvement in the economy and oppose government intervention in the non economic affairs of citizens. In the beginning of the Democratic Party, they supported slavery and opposed civil rights. With the election of JFK in 1960, their ideals switched to the other side, costing them their traditional followers. The Democratic Party supports federally financed social services and benefits for the poor, unemployed, aged, and other groups. Democrats advocate for the protection of civil rights and endorse a strong separation of church and state. In foreign policy, Democrats prefer internationalism and multilateralism, executing foreign policy through the United Nations, over isolationism and unilateralism. Most Democrats favor affirmative action and gun control, but moderate and conservative Democrats oppose these policies or give them only qualified support.
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